If you follow me on social media, you will know that last week, one of my clients flew to Phoenix to spend two days working with me on her business and her new coaching programs. Lakeshia is a personal development coach who is launching her new product, Life School...
Blog Categories
Infusionsoft Releases New Email Builder!
Yesterday, Infusionsoft released the New Beta Email Builder! I cannot wait for you to try it out. I obtained pre-release access back in November and absolutely LOVE the new builder. There are templates, a drag and drop interface, and (wait for it!).... it is MOBILE...
Do you really own your domain name?
Ok – this may sound like a rant, but I am writing this because it is important for you to read it…
Does this scenario sound familiar? You are launching a new business or new product and have your assistant purchase the perfect domain name for you. Or maybe you have your spouse buy it, or you business partner. No big deal, right?
Wrong! Depending on how the account was set up, you may have no legal access to your own domain name.
How to Customize Your Search Results in Infusionsoft
This morning I was on a Kickstart call with a new Infusionsoft client and he was sharing his frustration on what fields appear in the Contact search results. What most people don't realize is that the search results appearance is easily customizable! Watch the video...
The smallest change can have the biggest impact
It’s confession time! Does it ever amaze you how we can implement things for our clients but still have huge holes in our own business? I had a huge one – and it was wreaking havoc in my time management.
My clients rely on my to implement systems in their business. These systems usually revolve around marketing automation, but business system processes are always involved as well. The irony is I had one area of my business where I had not implemented a system and it was truly affecting my business!
Another Infusionsoft Implementation Accelerator in the Books!
Imagine… coming to Chandler, Arizona and spending 3 days focusing ONLY on what needs to be done for your business. You get access to a project manager who is there just for you… to help strategize and implement your campaigns and marketing. You also get access to the BEST creative services team ever, including:
Keeping Your Website Safe from Malware
Apparently, my website has had a large red target painted on it for the last two months! About 2 months ago my site was hacked (entry point unknown) and malware was placed on my site. This last weekend my site was attacked by the SoakSoak malware attack. You can only imagine how my heart dropped when I received an email from Google telling me that not only did my site have malware on it, but that I had also been blacklisted by Google!
So what can you do to keep your website safe? There are no guarantees but here are some key elements…
5 Years… and Counting
It's time to celebrate! 5 years ago today, this company was launched! In a world where 80% of small businesses fail in the first 18 months, I am very blessed to be celebrating our 5 year anniversary. What have I learned over the last five years? A LOT!!! Running...
Mastering the World of Virtual Clients and Virtual Sales
Last week, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Deanna Potter on Women Leading the Way Radio: Sassy Sales & Business Development. During the podcast, I shared my experience, techniques, and philosophy on how I have mastered the world of virtual client care...
7 Ways to Automate Your Business
If you feel overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks that need to be done on a daily basis in your business, you need to start automating those items. Automation doesn't mean a robotic, cold approach to business, but rather a thought out, strategic plan that increases...