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Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn… Oh My!

Does Social Media send your head spinning? There is one aspect of all social media that is the most important and the easiest to do. Ready to start?

Offering Your Clients What They Need? – Packages vs. A La Carte

Package deals or piece-meal service plans… what is the best solution?  Well, it depends. You know that your customers’ needs are unique.  Each customer is different.  No matter what type of business you run, there will be two main types of customers whose needs you...

Get Over Your “Virtual” Fears

We all have obstacles and hurdles in our careers.  I have found that my greatest obstacle is my prospective clients’ fear of the word “virtual”. I was recently interviewing with a Realtor I know who approached me who was looking for a “Virtual Assistant”.  After we...

Back to the Basics – Part 3

I have been writing about how businesses can grow their business by going “Back to the Basics” and focusing on their most important asset… their clients. In this segment, I wanted to discuss the importance of communication.  In this tech-savvy world, we have lost the...

Back to the Basics (Part 2)

My last blog discussed the importance of Customer Service.  In this "Back to the Basics" series, we will be looking at a specific part of Customer Service - the Client Retention Program. If you do not already have a program in place, develop one!  These programs can...

Back to the Basics (Part 1)

If someone asked you what your most important business asset is, how would you respond?  The correct answer is "My Clients" or "My Customers. In today’s economy, customers are being pickier than ever about where they shop and who they do business with.  They want more...

Introducing Today’s Virtual Edge!

Welcome to Today's Virtual Edge!  My mission at Today's Virtual Edge is to partner with you to help your business achieve greater productivity, efficiency, and growth by providing professional, cost-effective business administrative solutions. Hopefully this blog will...

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