What Politicians Can Teach Us About Email Marketing

Today is Election Day in Wisconsin and even if I never watched the television or read the newspaper, I would still know. Why? Because for the last two weeks, my phone has been ringing constantly with messages from politicians.

As a result, I have not answered my landline (yes – I still have one!) for the last two weeks unless I recognized the number. The same goes for my cell phone as they have been calling that number as well. Yesterday, in a one hour time span I received 6 phone calls.  Apparently I am not alone in my popularity, as my friends on Facebook are complaining about the calls as well. Some people have even said they don’t want to vote at all at this point.  The post below is just an example of what is coming through my feed these days…

Comments from FB

How does any of this relate to Email Marketing?  One of the biggest challenges a business owner faces with Email Marketing is deciding how often to send out the email.  Do you send a newsletter out weekly?  Monthly?  Quarterly?  What about this “7 touches” theory that says you have to “touch” your prospective customer 7 times before they buy?

How often you send your newsletter definitely depends on your business.  A restaurant owner might want to send a weekly newsletter, highlighting the specials of the week.  A Realtor® might want to send a weekly newsletter highlighting upcoming open houses.  An accountant might want to send out a monthly newsletter highlighting upcoming tax deadlines and updates to tax law.

Determining your calendar for your Email Marketing should be part of your overall Marketing Strategy.  Included in that strategy would be social media posts and traditional offline marketing.  Having a consistent schedule will keep your message in front of your prospects, without annoying them.

A note to all the politicians calling me today…  I have already voted today so please stop calling.  The “7 Touches” theory only works when all the “touches” are spread out over a period of time.  As a friend says: “You want to be touched – not groped.”

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